Documentary photography encompasses natural and man made disasters from a ‘fly on the wall’ viewpoint as in the Rena grounding shown on these pages.
The world’s attention.
News of the Rena grounding and subsequent oil that ended upon Papamoa beach created news media attendance as in this Australian TV crew getting footage of the NZDF guys and gals getting on with the clean-up. The smell of the bunker oil was almost over-powering and at the least gave you a decent headache. The overcast day sure suited the occasion.
Documentary photography can take many forms. I tend to a ‘casual observer’ type of photographer with-out being part of the picture showing ‘what you see is what you get’.
More on this subject is covered in my blog.
The response from the defence force, local authorities and mostly the general populace was extraordinary with the clean up. It’s because of everyone pitching in was the reason the mess was successfully removed.